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Continued focus on product transfers

As the impact of inflation continues to bite, clients need your expertise and advice to secure their next mortgage deal, says Alan Longhorn, Head of Sales, Distribution & Marketing at Bank of Ireland for Intermediaries.

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The role Intermediaries play in product transfers

The intermediary mortgage sector is starting 2024 in better health and with more confidence than 12 months ago. While there may well be further, unexpected challenges to overcome, (such as the surprise rise in inflation in January) the consensus is that the worst is over for both the economy and the mortgage market.

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Buy to Let: Helping landlords

Landlords have faced some challenges over the last few years, with rising interest rates, the various tax and regulation changes and the cost of living crisis all squeezing their profit margins. In this higher interest rate environment, rent received is often no longer enough to meet affordability criteria. However, there are some great Buy to Let solutions out there. Read on to find out how solutions, such as Top Slicing could help your clients.

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